“Register for the 2024 Ayushman bharat online abdm.gov.in. Check your Ayushman card status and login at pmjay.gov.in.”
The Ayushman Bharat Yojana, also known as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana is a program by the Indian government to provide free healthcare to needy families. It offers up to Rs 5 lakh per year for medical costs in certain hospitals. The Ayushman Card, part of this program, enables cashless hospital visits. It’s advised to get one if you don’t have it. This program is already helping fifty crore people in India. Detailed information about the eligibility criteria, benefits, documents and how to apply will be provided. Stay tuned to beneficiary.nha.gov.in for the 2024.
TS Rajiv Aarogyasri Scheme 2024: Check Eligibility, Apply & Download Arogyasri Card
Ayushman Card Scheme 2024 Overview:
Scheme Name | Ayushman Bharat |
Also Known As | Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana |
Started By | PM Narendra Modi |
Year Started | 2018 |
Purpose | To provide health facilities |
Beneficiaries | Indian citizens |
Country | India |
How to Apply | Online |
Official Website | Link |
Organizer | Indian government |
Launch Date | 23 September 2018 |
Main Objective | Free treatment |
How to Get Ayushman Card | Online |
Helpline Numbers | 1800-111-565, 14555 |
Benefits per Family | Up to Rs 5 lakh |
Procedures Covered | 1400 procedures |
Pre-Hospital Coverage | Up to 3 days |
Post-Hospital Coverage | Up to 15 days |
What is ayushman card (PMJAY Scheme)?
The Ayushman Bharat Yojana, or AB-PMJAY, is a health plan from the Indian government. It gives up to ₹5 lakh each year for hospital bills to poor and rural families. Prime Minister Narendra Modi started it, and it helps over 12 crore families with no age or size limits. It allows for free treatment at certain hospitals and covers costs for almost 1,949 treatments, including care before, during, and after hospital stays.
Benefits of Ayushman Bharat Yojana Card
- Free Treatments: It offers free treatments in 27 specialties, including cancer and orthopedics, across India.
- Cost Coverage: It covers costs before, during, and after hospital stays, and even multiple surgeries. The most expensive package covers the most cost.
- Follow-up Treatments: It also covers follow-up treatments and 50 types of cancer treatments.
- Beneficiaries: The scheme aims to help 10 crore families, offering up to Rs 5 lakh per family per year. It covers over 1500 diseases.
- Ayushman Card: This card, part of the scheme, allows for cashless treatment at hospitals across India. There’s no age limit to use it.
It’s a great initiative for those in need.
Ayushman Bharat Yojana Eligibility Criteria in 2024
To benefit from the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, a person must meet these conditions.
- They should be low-income or below the poverty line (BPL).
- Their annual income should be less than Rs. 2.4 lakh.
- The Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) database is used to check eligibility.
- Families with no income earner above 16 years of age are eligible.
- They should belong to the SC or ST categories or not have a permanent residence.
For rural households, eligibility is based on six criteria, including living conditions, age of family members, disability status, caste, and source of income.
For urban households, eligibility is based on occupation.
Documents Required to get Ayushman Bharat Yojana in 2024
- Aadhaar Card:
- Ration Card:
- Other Card: Voter ID
- Passport-size Photo: You and your family’s photos are needed when you sign up.
- Income Certificate:
- Caste Certificate: If you from the ST or SC groups, this certificate is necessary.
How To Apply For Ayushman Bharat Yojana?
- Visit the Ayushman Bharat PMJAY official website at https://pmjay.gov.in/.
- Check if you eligible for the program.
- Find the nearest Common Service Center (CSC) using your pincode.
- Take all required documents to the CSC.
- Provide your name, address, family details (as per the SECC database), and any other information the CSC operator asks for.
- The CSC operator will verify your details and submit your application.
- After successful registration, you get Ayushman Bharat cases with a unique UHID number.
- You can use this card for free medical treatment at any government-approved hospital or clinic.
How To Download Ayushman Card?
After you register, you can get your Ayushman card online.
- Go to the Ayushman Bharat PMJAY website (https://pmjay.gov.in/).
- Click on “Download E-Card”. You find it on the homepage or in the “Beneficiary Corner”.
- Fill in your Aadhar Number, Mobile Number, or other details.
- Enter the OTP sent to your phone for verification.
- Once verified, you can download your Ayushman Bharat Card. You can print it or save it on your phone.
- Keep a printout or the E-card on your phone when you go to the hospital for free treatment.
Important Links
Official Website Ayushman card : pmjay.gov.in
Register Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission: Click here
Beneficiary List: Find here
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